To commemorate 25 years of the Women, Peace and Security (WPS) Agenda and celebrate International Women's Day 2025, we are excited to announce the launch of the new Women, Peace and Security book series, published by De Gruyter. This series presents cutting-edge interdisciplinary research exploring the WPS agenda in both theory and practice.

The Women Peace and Security (WPS) agenda was established with the adoption of Resolution 1325 by the UN Security Council in 2000. UNSCR1325 highlighted the need to consolidate data and knowledge on the differential impact of violence and inequality on women and girls, men and boys during and after armed conflict and to highlight the potential of inclusive peace-making to prevent, end and recover from wars.

The Women, Peace and Security series features scholarly studies that examine these gendered impacts of violence and inequality in global, regional, and local peace and security contexts. It highlights research that investigates how Women, Peace and Security is put into practice as well as contested by a diverse array of actors including security and development practitioners, peacekeepers and peacebuilders, diplomats, advocacy networks and social movements.

How has the Women, Peace and Security agenda evolved over the past 25 years? What lessons can we draw from the implementation of WPS initiatives across different regions? What challenges and opportunities lie ahead for the WPS agenda?

Join us for the launch event and panel discussion, where we will present the first four volumes of the series.

AIIA Victoria gratefully acknowledges the Walter Mangold Trust Fund for its ongoing support of our young members.

The event is organised in partnership with the ARC Centre of Excellence for The Elimination of Violence Against Women (CEVAW).


AIIA Victoria

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Melbourne 3000

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