Registration will close October 17, 2024 at

Digital infrastructure is the unsung but critical technology layer that underpins how nations, societies and industries connect and collaborate.

The world of applications, content, the internet and AI all depend on communications networks, submarine cables and data centres that make up digital public and private infrastructure. This ecosystem enables the digitisation that supports prosperity, inclusion, security and democracy itself.

But when we look at digitisation, we are presented with a messy regional narrative of significant provision gaps, significant national risks and investor opportunities that need better policies to instil the confidence needed.

According to Long Street Advisors' analysis, every dollar of investment that goes into closing such gaps opens up between $5-20 of new growth opportunity. There's a lot to be done and much of it critical to Australia's and the region's future.

Join Mohammad Chowdhury, CEO of Long Street Advisors and Council Member of AIIA Victoria, and Catherine Quaden, Consultant, to discuss the issues.

To download the flyer please click here.

AIIA Victoria gratefully acknowledges the Walter Mangold Trust Fund for their support of our young members.


AIIA Victoria

Level 13, 356 Collins Street

Melbourne 3000

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