Over the last decade China has proposed both a model of 'Chinese-style governance' and more recently at the 20th Party Congress in late 2022, 'Chinese-style modernisation'. Chinese-style modernisation carries the claim that China has created a 'new form of human civilisation'. It contains a number of discursive similarities to Chinese-style governance that centre around the idea that Chinese (including Confucian, revolutionary and advanced socialist) governance thinking can reshape society by moulding the behaviour of its citizens. This workshop explores points of intersection and divergence between Chinese-style governance and Chinese-style modernisation. It examines two main questions:

  • What is the nature of Chinese-style moral governance and Chinese-style modernisation?
  • How do they initiate new conceptions of state and citizen as ideological and 'civilisational' alternatives to modern liberal democracy?

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Co-hosted with the Centre for Governance and Public Policy, Griffith University, in partnership with the Griffith Centre for Social and Cultural Research and the Asia Institute, University of Melbourne.

Conference Location:

AIIA Victoria

Suite 2, Level 13

356 Collins Street

Melbourne 3000

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