A demographic revolution is profoundly impacting the Indo-Pacific's military landscape. Across the continent, populations are ageing rapidly, and in some countries, even shrinking. These "greying" populations have far-reaching implications for the military capabilities and strategic planning of nations in the region.

At the heart of the recruitment challenge is an ageing demographic. Developed nations like Japan, South Korea, China and Taiwan find themselves with fewer young recruits. Traditional methods of enlistment, such as conscription or volunteer recruitment, are becoming increasingly difficult to sustain.

Simultaneously, the growing number of older veterans places a greater burden on defence budgets as costs for pensions, healthcare and other benefits rise.

How will these nations' military capacity be affected by their ageing populations? Can they effectively respond to a shrinking pool of recruits? How can the recruitment numbers be made more sustainable? To what extent could technological innovations offset these challenges?

AIIA Victoria invites you to join Andrew Oros to discuss his insights and forthcoming book.

If attending the webinar, we will email you the link in good time before the event.

To download the flyer please click here.

AIIA Victoria gratefully acknowledges the Walter Mangold Trust Fund for its ongoing support of our young members.


Level 13, 356 Collins Street
356 Collins Street
Melbourne, VIC 3000, Australia

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