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Save the dateMay 25, 202318:00 - 19:00 GMT+10
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Event Details

A major shift in relations between Australia and China became clear in the early 2020s, with geopolitical concerns trumping economic considerations.

While there have been recent signs of improvement as the two countries seek to "stabilise" relations - minister-to-minister meetings have resumed; China has recently lifted restrictions on Australian coal imports and Australia hopes a 3-year-old tariff barrier on Australian barley will be lifted within months - China's more assertive regional posture has prompted far-reaching changes to Australia's defence and alliance-policy settings, including new capability acquisitions and strategic initiatives such as AUKUS.

In Australia's Security in China's Shadow (IISS Adelphi series, March 2023), Euan Graham explores how Australia is adapting to the various security challenges that China poses, combining political, military and economic analysis with an examination of Australian domestic resilience.

With Australia's newly published Defence Strategic Review identifying the return of major-power strategic competition to the Indo-Pacific as the 'major feature of our region and time', how is Canberra adapting to this new reality? What are the lessons for other countries facing similar challenges?

AIIA Victoria invites you to join Dr Euan Graham to discuss his new book.

AIIA Victoria gratefully acknowledges the Walter Mangold Trust Fund for their support of our young members.

To download the pdf flyer please click here. Please access QR code here for sample text from the book and links to buy the book (N.B. a 20% discount is available using the code ADELPHI20, valid until 8 June).

  • Dr. Euan Graham (International Institute for Strategic Studies)

    Dr. Euan Graham

    International Institute for Strategic Studies


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