Just over a year ago, the leaders of Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States announced an enhanced trilateral security partnership named AUKUS, reinforcing decades of close partnership.

The intervening 12-month period has seen multiple challenges in the Indo-Pacific rim along with a devastating conflict between Russia and Ukraine.

How have these challenges affected the AUKUS relationship, and what are the potential effects on the already delicate balance of relations between partners in the region?

Drawing on his breadth of knowledge of foreign policy from the US to the Indo Pacific, to China and the Middle East, Ravenel B. Curry III distinguished fellow in strategy and statesmanship at the Hudson Institute, and the James Clarke Chace professor of foreign affairs and humanities at Bard College, Walter Russell Mead will provide an outline for the future, incorporating his own assessment of the achievements of the Biden Administration.

AIIA Victoria, co-hosting with AIJAC, welcomes Professor Walter Russell Mead to Melbourne and invites you to join us to hear his insights and perspectives.

His most recent book, The Arc of A Covenant: The United States, Israel, and the Fate of the Jewish People (Alfred A. Knopf, 2022), is a bold history of the US-Israel relationship that examines the origins of American support for Israel and the relationship's impact on past, present and future US policy. Mr. Mead discusses, among other things, the forgotten history of left-wing support for Zionism, the foundation of the state of Israel, the myth of the "Israel lobby" and the rise of the Sunbelt coalition in US politics.

We gratefully acknowledge the Walter Mangold Trust Fund for its support of our young members.

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