As the third anniversary of Russia's invasion of Ukraine approaches, Western indicators, although hard to accurately ascertain, suggest over half a million people have been killed or wounded, with many more displaced.

Under the Biden administration, the White House had maintained constant, if qualified, support; with recent moves to influence the course of the conflict ahead of the looming uncertainty of the Trump administration.

While a re-elected Democratic administration may have preserved or increased its current level of support for Ukraine, President Trump has signalled a markedly different approach. Throughout his election campaign, Trump gave numerous indicators about which way his second term would lean, including claims he would end the war within 24 hours if elected.

Even though the only predictable thing about Donald Trump is, famously, his unpredictability, we can explore what he has said about the war, what we think he is being advised, and what might be possible given the dynamics of the war and the characters of the combatants.

In this session Richard Iron will examine in particular the possibilities of a negotiated end to the war and the conditions that might have to be achieved to enable a lasting peace.

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