Dr. Robert Horvath (La Trobe University)

Dr. Robert Horvath

La Trobe University

Dr Robert Horvath is a specialist on Russian Politics at La Trobe University. His most recent book is "Putin's Fascists: Russkii Obraz and the Politics of Managed Nationalism in Russia" (Routledge, 2021). It examines the relationship between the Putin regime and Russkii Obraz, a neo-nazi organization that became a major force on Russia's radical nationalist scene in 2008-10. It shows how Russkii Obraz’s rise was boosted by the regime’s policy of ‘managed nationalism,’ which mobilised radical nationalist proxies against opponents of authoritarianism. His current research preoccupations include the Putin regime's manipulation of Russian nationalism, its assault on international human rights institutions, and its intervention in Africa.

Assoc. Prof. Will Partlett (Melbourne Law School)

Assoc. Prof. Will Partlett

Melbourne Law School

Associate Professor William Partlett is an Associate Professor at Melbourne Law School. He has travelled extensively in Russia and the former Soviet Union. His written work on the region includes publications in both academic journals as well as The Conversation and The National Interest. His insights draw on both his training in Russian politics, language, and history at Oxford University and Princeton University as well as his legal training at Stanford Law School. His latest book is "The Post-Soviet as Post-Colonial" (Edward Elgar Publishing, 2022).

Petr Kuzmin (Russian Australian anti-war activist)

Petr Kuzmin

Russian Australian anti-war activist

Petr Kuzmin is a Russian Australian anti-war activist and a vocal critic of Putin’s regime within the Russian-speaking community of Australia. He was one of the founders of Svoboda Alliance, a pro-democracy community organisation focused on promoting universal human rights and political freedoms in Russia and within the Russian diaspora of Australia. He is a long-time supporter of Alexei Navalny and his Anti-Corruption Foundation.