Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of the members of the Australian Institute of International Affairs Victoria, ABN 42 727 001 279, (the Institute) will be held at Dyason House on Monday 14 November 2022at 5:45pm (AEDT).
It will also be possible to participate online via Zoom Meeting.
Ordinary business
1. Welcome and explanation of proceedings (how to vote)
2. Declare a quorum (15 members present in person or by Representative – Constitution 11.3(a))
3. Declaration of all valid Proxies.
4. Apologies received
5. To approve the Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on Monday 11 October 2021
6. Business arising from the Minutes
7. Ordinary Resolutions
a. To receive and consider and adopt the Annual Report of the Institute
b. To receive and consider and adopt the Annual Balance Sheet, the Accounts of the Institute and the Auditor's Report for the financial year ended 30 June 2022.
c. To confirm Auditors for 2022-23.
d. To elect the Office Holders of the Council for the year 2022-23 (President; Vice-Presidents; Treasurer).
e. To elect Ordinary Members of the Council.
8. President's Report.
9. To deal with any other matter which is brought before the meeting by any member present.
By order of the Council
Alastair Roff
Executive Director
Australian Institute of International Affairs, Victoria
The AGM is open only to financial members of AIIA Victoria.
Registrations close on Monday 14 November at 2pm, after which you will receive a follow-up email containing details of how to join the AGM via Zoom Meeting.
The AGM will commence at 5.45pm AEDT.
Associated papers:
· Notice of Annual General Meeting including Proxy Form
· Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held 11 October 2021
· Annual Report for the year ended 30 June 2022
· Financial Statement and Audit Report for the year ended 30 June 2022
To download the pdf flyer please click here.